Multinational PSOs Training Center Greece


From 28 March to 15 April 2022 the MPSOTC will conduct the UN Military Observers Course in its premises. Purpose To prepare Officers or equivalent civilians for service as UN Military Observers in any on-going or future PKO im- proving their basic skills required for Military Observers to carry out succesfully their respective roles. Learning Topics: - Introduction to UN Structure, Doctrine, Principles, SOPs. - Description of UN PKO Legal Framework. - Main Field Tasks (Observation, Monitoring, Reporting) including Field Training. - Dealing with Cultural-Language differences. - Negotiation - Mediation principles and techniques. - Media Interaction and Security Awareness. - Liaison Duties, Coordination with IO’s and NGO’s. - Investigation - Verification. - Land Navigation Basic Skills. Field First Aid (Theory/Practice). - UN Team Management and other Staff Duties and Reports. Student Criteria:

- OF-1 up to OF-4 (Military-Police Forces). - Civilians with relevant work/profession. Remarks: - Up to 35 participants (20 slots are available to international students). Allocations will be on a “ first comes – first served ” basis. - Domestic (inland) transportation support (from Thessaloniki airport to the MPSOTC) will be provided by MPSOTC. - Accommodation, food and drink expenses are to be paid by the participants (NATO countries). - There will be no charge for lodging and messing for some PfP, MeD and other countries,according to bilateral arrangements. - Duration: 3 Week - Course fee: 150 € per week. - Dress: Service and battle uniform.

Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο


Η Ιδιωτική Ασφάλεια στην Ελλάδα 1990-2020